Wednesday, June 9, 2010


One more dawn.
One more day.
One day more!

These words from Les Miserables keep running through my head.

Tomorrow is the last day of school and I'm ridiculously happy about it. I know a week from now I'll be complaining about the lack of routine, the messy house, and bored kids. But for now I'm so ready to stop making lunches, trying to catch the bus, and managing homework and projects. I'm going to sleep in on Friday just because I can.

It's still too early to tell if this is the summer where I'm incredibly organized and have fun activities and healthy snacks planned for my children each day.

And speaking of "The End", I recently read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy--an apocolypse novel about the end of the world. Totally depressing and disturbing, but so interesting. I hope the end of the school year holds more promise than the novel.

1 comment:

klchristensen said...

Dear Christensen Girls
I am glad you are out of school. Even mom is out of school!! That means vacation and that means you will be coming to Idaho. I hope we warm up so you can at least do a little water stuff with the boat at the cabin. It has been a very cold spring and summer so far. Love you all. GGIdaho